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St. Rose of Lima to Conduct a Feasibility Study

We need your participation!

Over the past 2+ years, a Long-Term Planning Committee has been working on improving our facilities to ensure the future viability of St. Rose of Lima. Along with making facility improvements, a larger vision has been created to significantly improve our buildings and grounds. The vision entails improving and potentially building a new parish hall, classrooms and rectory.

Our next step is to conduct a feasibility study to determine if there is support for this vision and to help shape future direction. Mark Davy & Associates, a fundraising consulting firm that works with Catholic churches, has been engaged to conduct this study. In the next couple of weeks, all parishioners will receive a letter inviting them to participate in a feasibility study interview. The purpose of the interviews is to get your thoughts and opinions on the proposed building options. Detailed information about the proposed building projects will be included with the invitation. All responses are confidential and will be reported to leadership without names. Please know that no decisions have been made regarding this vision, as next steps will be influenced by the responses we receive.

Prayerfully consider participating when invited. Your feedback is important to the future of St. Rose of Lima. Thank you for your consideration!

All are invited to stop by the church hall for more detailed information about each proposal.

Loving Christ, Loving Others

Welcome to our Tri-Parish Community
New parishioners are invited to contact the TriParish Office at 507-523-2428 or strose@hbci.com. 

Mass Times

Holy Trinity

8:00 a.m. Tues

4:30 p.m. Saturday Vigil

St. Rose of Lima

8:30 am Wednesday and Thursday

8:30 a.m. Sunday

St. Joseph

9:00 a.m. Friday

10:00  a.m. Sunday

Upcoming Events

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