Faith Formation Registration

Faith Formation Registration

We will begin our Faith Formation year with a Meet the Catechist event at the Annual Faith Fest following Mass on Sunday, September 15th.  Classes will begin for all students on Wednesday, September 25th.

Faith Formation Registeration

Contact Information



The success of our Faith Formation program as well as the church relies heavily on volunteers from the parish community.  Please consider ways you can volunteer.  I have listed below a few places where help is needed.  If you have other ways you are able to contribute please choose other and comment on where you can help.

We are currently looking for catechists for 4th grade and 7th/8th grade.  We have a lot of great material to support our teachers.  Either of the positions could be done by one person or shared among 2 as either trading off by week/month, or teaching together each week.

If you would like to volunteer, please mark below where your interests are and we will be in contact with you.

Student Information:

As you know the school did not publically release class lists this year.  When picking up kids at the elementary school, it does help me to know who their teacher is.  If you are comfortable sharing this for your Kindergarten - 5th grade student it would be helpful.

Student Contact Information:

For our 9th/10th grade students it may be easiest for our Catechists to contact them directly.  Please provide their information only if you are comforatable doing so.

Behavior Policy

St Rose of Lima has adopted a behavior policy that applies to all students who attend Faith Formation classes.

All students are entitled to a safe learning environment, focused on providing instruction and a positive experience for each student, to ensure their spiritual growth as they become active members of our parish family as well as becoming better Christians. 

The behavior policy guidelines provide that: 

1. Students come to Faith Formation class with a positive attitude. 

2. Students are willing to participate and take an active role in their learning. 

3. Students are respectful of catechists and other students at all times. This includes before, during and after classes. 

4. Students turn off their cell phones and other electronic devices during class. 

Procedures for violation of the behavior policy: 

1. Catechist or DRE will meet and discuss the issues with the student. 

2. Catechist and DRE will have a conference with the student and the student’s parent/guardian. 

3. Student will be removed from the Faith Formation program for a period of time agreed upon by the Catechist, DRE and parent/guardian.

Cell Phone Policy

If students choose to bring a cell phone to Faith Formation they do so at their own risk and the church accepts no responsibility for any lost or stolen items. Valuables should be kept with the student at all times. Appropriate judgement should be used when using a cell phone outside of class time. All media being played must be free from obscene language and played at an appropriate volume. Students are not permitted to use cell phones or other electronic devices during faith formation classes or events, unless instructed to do so by a catechist. Students will be asked to turn off or mute devices and – if necessary – check their muted devices in at the beginning of class, receiving them again for use at dismissal time. Additionally, students shall not record or photograph other people (adults or other students) without their knowledge and consent. This includes during class time as well as before classes begin. The Faith Formation coordinator, catechists, and/or other adult volunteers may take away a student’s cell phone if they are violating this policy.

Photo Policy 

Occasionally, photos may be taken of students attending Faith Formation classes at St. Rose of Lima to be used in class projects. Photos could also be taken during special celebrations or events and be posted on the St. Rose of Lima website and bulletin boards. Photos that appear online will not identify any student by name.

School Release for Kindergarten - 5th Grade

Faith Formation Tuition:

$15.00 per student - Kindergarten

$40.00 per student- Grades 1-10

$100.00 Family Cap

Faith Formation Tuition payments can be made online by clicking this link. The fund you select should be "Faith Formation" and the Sub Fund "Faith Formation Tuition".

You can also send a check to:

St Rose of Lima

Attn: Faith Formation

PO Box 402

Lewiston, MN 55952


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